On this page:
How to book the Church Hall
How to book a Wedding
How to book a Baptism
Christian Responsibility
Other FAQs



How to book the Church Hall
Holy Trinity Church Hall, dating from 1927 and situated on Woolton Road opposite the Church, is an excellent facility. The Hall itself is large enough to accommodate the annual Youth Drama productions. There is plenty of storage space, a large kitchen and adequate toilet facilities. The Hall is well used. Morning coffee is available there after Sunday morning services, Holy Trinity's various organisations use it extensively, it houses a variety of Church social events and PCC meetings are held there. The hall is available for bookings for groups, parties, etc. during the day and early evening, up to 7pm.

To enquire about booking the hall (please read the terms and conditions document below).

By email
Download the application form below,
complete it and email it as an attachment
to our Parish Administrator using: 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Your email will be forwarded to the Hall Manager
who will most likely respond from her bespoke
Gmail account within 4-5 working days.

To download a Form use its link below:
adobe logo Hall booking terms and conditions - PDF
adobe logo Hall Booking Application Form - PDF
word logo Hall Booking Application Form - Word


How to Book a Wedding
Congratulations! You have decided to get married, and we wish you every happiness. Your wedding day will be one of the most important in your life. You will be making promises in church, which commit you to a relationship which should be life long… …and the thought of it all can be daunting to say the least!

First of all
If you want to be married at Holy Trinity, the good news is that it has become easier to do so. You will need to speak to The Rector, but generally you can be married at Holy Trinity if one of you lives in the Parish of Holy Trinity; one of you is on the Electoral Roll of the church; it is the parish where you were baptized and/or confirmed; you have lived in, for 6 months or more, at any time during your life in the parish of Holy Trinity; you have attended worship for at least 6 months at Holy Trinity; this is the parish where your parents have lived or worshipped in (during your lifetime); Holy Trinity is the parish your parents or grandparents were married in.

Sometimes couples may decide to marry abroad or have a civil ceremony first.
If this is your choice, you can still have a church service or blessing. There is a service of prayer and dedication after a civil ceremony and this can be adapted. There are no legal requirements. If one of you is not British, then a special license may be needed. The clergy will advise you about this and you will need to apply to the Registrar.

Banns of Marriage
Banns are the announcement of your intention to get married. They must be read out on three consecutive Sundays in the Anglican Parish Church of the parishes where you both live, and where (if it is different) the ceremony will take place. You will need to see the vicar of each parish involved. Banns must be read within the three month period prior to the wedding. If you wish, you can go along to hear them being read out, though this is not essential.


After the Banns have been read, you must collect a Certificate from the vicar of each Church declaring that your Banns have been read. You must do this in order for us to go ahead with the ceremony. There will be a fee payable to each church ready your Banns (At Holy Trinity we include this in the total cost of your wedding.)

Preparing for Marriage
Once you have completed and returned the application form to the Rector in person, he will guide you to the Registrar to make your legal application then arrange a meeting with you to go through the service. We want you to enjoy your wedding and to feel relaxed, and discussing the procedures including the music early in your planning is helpful.

You can download a Banns of Marriage Application Form HERE. Otherwise, contact the Rector on 0151 733 2172 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How to Book a Baptism
To enquire about a Baptism please contact the Rector: 0151 733 2172 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

 You will be expected to come to church to meet the clergy before the baptism.

After your application form has been received then one of our clergy will contact you to go through the service with you, and answer any questions you may have. Once we have received your form we can then set a date but not before.

Baptisms normally take place on the 2nd Sunday of the Month; usually at  11.30 am but occasionally during the 10am Communion Service. You can download our Baptism Application Form Here.

Children and Baptism
A family’s first encounter with Holy Trinity is often through Baptism and we may be able to help you with this. When a child is born, it is a time for great celebration, and what follows on in church terms, should also be a joyful time. After a child is born, many parents would like to ‘do something’ to mark this wonderful event. Here at Holy Trinity, we suggest two alternatives. You may like to bring your child for baptism. This will involve meeting with one of the clergy team and going through the service with you, for as parents, you will have to make promises about bringing up your child to be a Christian.

The Service
The service uses the picture of a journey of which baptism is the starting point – rather like a pilgrimage. It isn’t a journey that children make alone, but one where they are surrounded by the love and care of parents and godparents, family and friends. In the service you will be reminded that children, if they are learn about God will need to ask questions themselves and will also be blessed by your prayers for them as they grow. The service encourages you to bring your child up within the Christian faith. We try and support you by our prayers and our welcome when you come to church.
You can Google Church of England Baptism service and see it for yourselves.

It is quite a responsibility to be asked to be a godparent, and one that should not be accepted lightly, for they too will be asked to declare their faith in God, to encourage and support the child and parents, practically and prayerfully as the child grows up. It is important they understand this before accepting the responsibility. They must be baptised Christians, and ideally, they should be confirmed, or communicant members of their own churches. We suggest no more than four.

Adults and Baptism
Often people make a conscious decision to be baptised in later life. There is no need to do this if you have already been baptised in another church, but if not then you will find that being baptised is a wonderful way of stating your commitment to Christ and his church. Adult baptisms are very similar to infant baptisms and the arrangements are identical.

Pictures have been taken of most of the gravestones in the churchyard (with GPS links to many). They can be accessed through the Find-a-Grave website (registration is free).
A frequent asked question to us is where can records of graves and burials be found? Unfortunately, all records held at the Church were destroyed in a fire in the 1960s. You can try the Liverpool Records Office. Here you will find registers for burials, baptisms and marriages dating back to 1795. Liverpool Parish Registers have been available online at Ancestry.co.uk since April 2011. This site holds all of Holy Trinity's registers up to 1965. To gain access from within the UK you need to subscribe to their Premium Membership at least (Worldwide Membership if you live outside UK).
There are other free-to-view websites put together by teams of volunteers across the country which offer transcriptions of burials etc which will include information about Holy Trinity.

Christian Responsibility
Committed giving in the form of planned giving and Covenant schemes, together with the wise use of time and talents, enables our Church to function in Wavertree, in the Diocese and overseas. Further information can be obtained from the Rector. 

Our Giving
At Holy Trinity, Wavertree we believe that we should help others and so we aim to tithe a percentage of our income to worthy causes. Of course there are always more worthy causes than we can help. A small committee, to whom the congregation are free to make representations, chooses the recipients. Then, after much consultation with various charities and other bodies, the Parochial Church Council (PCC) makes the final decision about what we should give in a way that would enable the recipient to use our money to best advantage and so we have a structured method of giving. Each year we guarantee a fixed sum for three consecutive years, then we guarantee a fixed sum for two years and thirdly we give a one off donation. We intend to give to an international charity, a City charity and a Diocesan charity - there is also some scope for response to an emergency or plea for help. We are always open to ideas for organisations to help and also for more people to participate in our Christian Giving Scheme – particularly if we can claim the assistance of the Government in the form of Gift Aid Tax relief. 


We are always grateful to those people who remember Holy Trinity Church when they make their wills, as this helps God’s work continue in the future.

Other FAQs

I am hard of hearing. Do you have any facilities for me at Holy Trinity?
Yes, in all our main services we use a public address system which includes a loop system.

I am partially sighted. Do you have any facilities for me at Holy Trinity?
In our 10.00 Parish Communion services we print up service sheets in large type to help those who are partially sighted

Do you have wheelchair access at Holy Trinity?
We do have two steps - one down from Church Road into the churchyard and one up into the church from the path. There is a permanent ramp to ease wheelchair access from Church Road and, although the step into Church is quite shallow and generally manageable, there a portable metal ramp available and there are always people happy to give assistance if need be.

The Church hall access is made from the ramp running alongside the building.

Are there any groups at Holy Trinity that my young child can join?

I'd like to bring my baby to Holy Trinity but I'm concerned that my baby might disturb the service. Are there any facilities for babies and small children at Holy Trinity?
When children are baptised, we say: We welcome you into the Lord’s family! Children are never too young to come to church, and at church, we are all members of one, large family. We want you and your children to know that you are all welcome. If your baby is settled and content, then please, don’t feel you have to get up every time the congregation does, to sing a hymn, for instance. If your baby cries loudly, please don’t be embarrassed. If he/she just needs to be carried around please get up and walk around – we would prefer you to do this rather than to sit still and be flustered – whatever part of the service we have reached. If you need to change your baby, the toilet is by  the front entrance to the church; if he/she is hungry, then the choir vestry at the back of church might be a more comfortable and private place to use. If toys will help, we have bags of toys, at the back of church. Feel free to bring quiet toys into church. The sides people, who welcome you as you come into church are always ready to lend a hand, so do ask them for help. When it is time to go and receive Holy Communion, please bring your baby to receive a blessing.

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