The Rector
Associate Archdeacon
Area Dean
The Revd. Canon Robert J E Clack M.A.
The Rectory, Hunter's Lane L15 8HL.
733 2172
Associate Priest (SSM).
The Revd. Jeanette Griffiths
07895 032289
The Church Wardens are chosen annually in a Parish meeting, all adult parishioners having a voice in the election. They are guardians and trustees of the Parish and officers of the Bishop, with responsibility for maintaining order in the Church. Our Church Wardens are:
William Griffiths
Gary Davis
Parish Administrator,
Mrs Helen Forster
734 4803
The Rest of the Church team includes:
PCC Secretary
Mrs Helen Forster
Mrs Ann Smith
475 2036
Youth and Families Worker
Mrs Yvonne Rojas-Weir
283 2010
Church Webmaster
Dr Tom Kinloch